To write numbers up to \(5\) digits, write the name of the numbers before the comma then the word thousand. Then write the name of the numbers after the comma.
Example: Write \(11,579\) in words.
There is an \(11\) before the comma. It represents \(11,000\) and is written eleven thousand.
There is a \(579\) after the comma. It is written five hundred seventy-nine.
So, \(11,579\) is written eleven thousand five hundred seventy-nine.
Example: Write \(40,808\) in words.
The \(40\) before the comma represents \(40,000\) and is written forty thousand.
The \(808\) after the comma is written eight hundred eight.
So, \(40,808\) is written forty thousand eight hundred eight.
Write this number in words.
Here is a number in words. Write it using digits.