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To round to the nearest \(1,000,\) the hundreds digit and any following digits must be \(0.\) If the original number has a \(0,1,2,3,\) or \(4\) in the hundreds place, round the hundreds, tens, and ones down to \(0.\) If the original number has a \(5,6,7,8,\) or \(9\) in the hundreds place, round up to the next multiple of \(1,000.\)

Rounding is a way to represent one number by another nearby number. For example, suppose a toy costs \(13,796\) shillings. Your friend didn't see the price so they ask you how much it costs to get the toy. You don't remember exactly, but you tell your friend that it was about \(14,000\) shillings. This would be a good guess.

Examples of rounding to the nearest \(1,000\):

\(421\) rounds down to \(0\) because it has a \(4\) in the hundreds place.
\(17,475\) rounds up to \(100\) because it has a \(7\) in the hundreds place.
\(9,000\) rounds down to \(500\) because it has a \(0\) in the hundreds place.
\(6,600\) rounds down to \(600\) because it has a \(4\) in the hundreds place.

Round this number to the nearest \(1,000.\)